Our Mission.

HONESTY, INTEGRITY and TRUST are the three main pillars of our mission at The HIT Living Foundation. We strive to live by these ethos within our foundation and personal lives. The HIT Living Foundation has come to fruition through the willingness to act on our compassion for others and by doing so with open hearts and objective minds.

HIT Living is a lifestyle choice, one that can be made by each and every one of us through mindfulness of our decisions and time. At the HIT Living Foundation, we direct our energies in areas where we believe the world's voiceless need it most - animal welfare with a focus in dog rescue, rehabilitation and rehoming, domestic and international community outreach and animal welfare education and most importantly, implementing every day small acts of kindness. We at HIT Living seek to create a lifestyle that captures the essence of one of the wisest creatures to grace this earth -

“Be the change you wish to see in the world”

— Mahatma Gandhi

Follow our journey.